
Saturday, May 4, 2013


Christians should be pro-immunisation with three caveats:

  1. Sadness, that linked to one of the vaccines are the abortion of two little babies. The Measeals-Mumps vaccine is developed using a cell line from two babies aborted in the 1960's. I gather the babies were aborted and cells kept from them and used ever since. WI-38 a girl at 3-month gestation and MRC-5 a boy at 14 weeks gestation. 
  2. Wary of the ruling ideology. Generally what's observable and sensible correlates with Christianity but sometimes the dominate ideology makes cultural demands that are repugnant, think Orwell's 1984 or Aldus Huxley's Brave New World for possible trajectories.
  3. Suspicious of conspiracy theories because they also like the ruling ideology demand total allegiance and require you to leave what is often the observable and the sensible into a smaller ideological circle. 

However with those three caveats in mind vaccinations are part of living in community, living alongside others and loving your neighbour.