because Universalism ...
- Makes the need for salvation superfluous because everyone will be saved eventually
- Weakens the urgency of salvation
- Changes the nature of sin (If it's the worst thing shouldn't it deserve the worst thing?)
- Changes the nature of sin (If it's personal and uniquely human how can God be joined to it?)
- By making judgment remedial relativizes evil in the world
- By making judgement remedial weakens the idea of atonement
- Forgets that 'Eternal Punishment' has been a longstanding doctrine of the church
- Requires an earth-like second-chance-style purgatory
- Requires a redefinition of other biblical themes (eg anger and selectivity of God)
- Is reductionistic about the nature of God, making one attribute (love) the essential nature of God
- Is selective, wants to qualify some passages (eg Matt 25:46) but not others (Rom 5:18)