A little while ago in an effort to come to grips with the debate about Justification I asked a set of questions to try and identify what was at the heart of the debate. Seeking clarification I read these two posts at Justin Taylor's blog and then stumbled across the book I'm about to review. This question of Christ's obedience seems to be an important distinction between Wright and Piper. Reviewing this book will be useful for my MDiv project and in further understanding justification. It'll also be interesting to read and process and my thoughts in public, let's see how we go.
The obedience of Christ is the idea that "by the one man's [Jesus'] obedience the many will be made righteous.” (Rom 5:19) Piper says "he [Wright] does not believe that the New Testament teaches that Christ's perfect obedience is imputed to us." (The Future of Justification, Piper, 125) So what does Wright say?
- "We note in particular that the 'obedience' of Christ is not designed to amass a treasury of merit which can then be 'reckoned' to believer, as in some Reformed schemes of thought, but is rather a way of saying what Paul says more fully in Philippians 2:8, that the Messiah was 'obedient all the way to death, even the death on the cross.' Jesus Christ has been 'obedient' to the saving plan which was marked out for Israel. he had been the faithful Israelite through whom God's single-plan-through-Israel-for-the-world is now fulfilled." (Justification, Wright, 201)