I'm always looking for books that give people insight into Christianity and how it works to be a Christian. Miller writes well and seems to have a sensible theology. While I was reading it I kept imagining the book was set in a time period far older then this decade and then kept getting surprised by very modern references. Blue Like Jazz combines Miller's own journey into faith with the essentials of a Christian worldview. (I saw some vague conceptual parallels with GK Chesterton's Orthodoxy and Heresies.) The biggest stylistic downside I think are the cartoons which seem a little amateurish, however having them in the book breaks up the text and makes the book more accessible. Also worth noting is how intensely personal some of the anecdotes are. Miller is definitely showing how he as an individual relates to Jesus, some may find this difficult to connect with if their background is radically different to Miller's.
[photo = Donald Miller]